Read The Bible
The best way to get to know God.
God’s Word—the Bible—is the primary way He speaks to us and the absolute best way to discover how to follow Jesus.
The writer of Psalm 119 says that God’s Word is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path. In other words, it illuminates your way.
In Psalm 1, the person who reads and meditates on God’s Word is illustrated as a thriving tree planted by streams of water, producing fruit.
Opening God’s Word daily can change your life! In Paul’s second letter to Timothy, he says all Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness so that you may be fully equipped for the purpose God has for you.
If you have access to a Bible, a great place to start is the Gospel of John, the fourth book of the New Testament. John’s narrative is written so that the reader would know Jesus’ identity and what He’s all about.
For additional tools, check out the trusted resources on this page. You’ll find reading plans, study guides, audio, and more.
If you don’t own a Bible, we’d love to give you one! Come say hello after a Sunday Service, and we’d be honored to hand you one in person—our gift to you.